Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Steampunk Pirates - Workshop in ImagineFX 92

As the issue 92 of the super awesome ImagineFX magazine hit the shelves today, I got permission from the publisher to show a little sneak peak of the workshop I have done for it.
As its a steampunk themed issue, I made a mood concept in that style, but tried to put a bit of a twist in it. It was great to have a bit of a break from my usual style and do a bit more cartoony stuff. :)
Make sure you pick up the mag to check out how I painted the image (there is also a process vid with commentary on the dvd) and to see all the other awesomeness.
Higher res image, more details and close-ups are coming as soon as I get the green light...
 ...and just to make sure you pick up the right mag, here is the cover:

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