Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WWI Elite Team - 02 Line Sketches

Rough linework demo done for the character design exercise started with my students, where they have to design a team of WWI spec op soldiers from the african front.


drawingcode said...

Really nice, but I doubt they will be an effective spec-ops squad as they somehow look a bit under-equipped. (And I doubt real spec-ops would smoke by the way).

Anyways, they are well-rendered and I think they work really well as characters and personalities and could make for a fun game or movie...


Mark Molnar said...

You are right, but I wanted to focus more on the characters (as its a character design exercise) instead of fully pack them with props and weapons.
I know being a smoker is big `no` in today`s super soldier aesthetics, but before the `70s everybody were pretty much smoking everywhere. In the 1st and 2nd world war soldiers got tobacco or cigarettes in their daily packs...